3 Lubavitch Schools
Within Stamford Hill there are 3 hidden gems: the 3 schools that form the state-funded Lubavitch Multi Academy Trust are reclaiming their gleam, making themselves ready to open their doors to those who want to access their unique educational model and vision of chinuch al pi taharas hakodesh in September 2022.
Each school is special in its own way.
The Junior Girls’ School radiates with happiness and joy of learning and manages to achieve a village school, intimate atmosphere whilst providing a wide range of teaching and learning in kodesh and in Chol. This school has been restructured using vertical streaming which results in pupils being able to access learning at whatever level they aspire to: if they need higher level learning for their age, they will receive this; if they need reinforcement, they will receive this seamlessly whilst maintaining their place in class.
The Junior Boys’ School red brick building stands out impressively as the School on the Hill! Its pride of place in Stamford Hill offers a unique combination of Chassidus and a “bren” in learning whilst setting and maintaining high standards in limmudei chol. In the JBS every boy can also find his place in learning whilst constantly being encouraged and supported in his Avodas Hakodesh in Yiras Shomayim by the eminent Menahel, Rabbi R Atlas, supported by his team of very experienced Rebbes..
The Lubavitch Senior Girls’ School has always been the jewel in the crown for secondary girls school provision in London. Under the very able and consistent leadership of Mrs H Freeman, it has constantly achieved high grades in GCSE and A Levels and trained leaders for the next generation whilst supporting every child’s spiritual development under the highly experienced and wise counsel of its Principal Rabbi S Lew.
Indeed, for the girls’ chinuch, the LMAT provides a unique opportunity to provide every pupil’s entire education from 3 – 18. The LMAT prides itself in carefully following and tracking each child’s progress in every area of their chinuch, in kodesh or chol, in talent and potential, in social and emotional growth.
Of course, all the LMAT schools are suffused with the unique Chabad flavours of the Lubavitch ethos of Ahavas Yisroel, Chessed and inclusicity. Furthermore, whilst keeping to the highest standards of a Charedi chinuch, the pupils in Chabad are encouraged to ask, discuss and explore their own identity in Yiddishkeit. There is much discussion amongst all mechanchim now about the importance of giving children a safe place not only to bring their thoughts and feelings to the table, but also a safe place emotionally and with regard to well-being. All the LMAT schools have detailed programmes to ensure they are being educated in their every need.
Last term, the LMAT appointed Mrs J Nemeth as Executive Head who is renowned for her AlPiDarko methodology. In all 3 Lubavitch Schools, every pupil is encouraged to find their place positively by providing a vast range of opportunities for them to grow and fulfill their individual potential so they can graduate and impact the world around them with a strong sense of Jewish pride and identity.
In the last few years, there has been a dearth of school places for our children; the LMAT schools are now regaining their place as serious chinuch providers. As open days for school now abound, the Lubavitch Multi Academy Trust schools are certainly serious options for parents who are looking for excellence in chinuch in every way.