Lubavitch Junior Boys School

Family Support 

 Family Support

Most parents/carers/families need support from time to time. We hope as a school community, we can offer support, advice and guidance to assist families if requested. We have access to a family support worker, who works with families on a variety of different issues ranging from behaviour management advice to safeguarding concerns. We work closely with other agencies, such as housing and have good links to local community groups.

There are many agencies which offer a wide range of support for families and some useful links are listed below:


Wellbeing and Mental Health in schools (WAMHS) 

WAMHS is a school-facing project. 

The WAMHS Project supports schools to nurture an environment where children and young people can learn about all areas of life. WAMHS focuses on building academic, social, and emotional resilience and coping skills in students and helping them to identify and access additional support if needed. The project is also based on further developing knowledge and skills in education staff so that they are more confident and feel more able to support students, and their families, who may be experiencing mental health difficulties.

  For more information about WAMHS Project, please click here 


WAMHS at Lubavitch Primary Boys' School 

At Lubavitch, we are committed to improving support for our students' emotional and mental wellbeing, and therefore are excited to be working with the Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (WAMHS) initiative. This has been set up by the CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) Alliance to help schools help their pupils. Hackney Education also supports this work in a number of ways. 

We have a CAMHS link worker: Dr Miriam Woolfman  Clinical Psychologist, who comes to school regularly to support school staff & pupils. Our CAMHS link worker helps us to think about our students’ needs in school, how to best support them, and how to refer them to specialist services if they need more help. This might mean school staff discussing pupils with the CAMHS link worker to decide what help needs to be given.  The CAMHS link worker also advises school about how to make school a success for all our pupils – this is called a ‘whole school approach’.

At Lubavitch we will also have help from another CAMHS team working with schools, the Mental Health Support Team (MHST).  In addition to supporting the whole school work they will be able to offer direct support to pupils and their parents/carers when having problems with their emotional wellbeing.  By direct support we mean, taking part in a group or having some sessions with a CAMHS worker.  With your agreement it maybe helpful if you can join some meetings with the CAMHS worker.


 If you have any queries about WAMHS, please contact Dr Donna Oxley, Clinical Team Lead


If you have any queries about MHST, please contact Dr Deborah Kemp, Clinical Team Lead or Tasha D’Aguiar, Deputy Clinical Team Lead on



As a parent or carer you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online.You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. These wesbite offer advice  and resources  to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively.Safer Internet UK

Think U Know

Net Aware


Family Support Links

 Action for Children

National Parent Partnership Network

Parent line plus – family lives

Lubavitch Children Centre

London Jewish Family Centre 

Ezer Leyoldos 

Bikur Cholim 

Alpi Darko. All LMAT Parents are given exclusive access to Alpi Darko training and resources free of change

Ezer North West