The LMAT Code
The LMAT code is a summary of expectations in standards of teaching and behaviour management to be used by all LMAT staff. There are 3 essential elements to the LMAT Code:
AlPiDarko Behaviour Management
Effective behaviour management is essential not only to successful teaching but also to being able to reach every child in each class. The AlPiDarko Programme empowers every practitioner to become an expert in understanding and deciphering every student’s learning, social and emotional needs. Applying these tools will enable classes to run smoothly and will ensure every child feels their place positively within their school community.
Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction
Barak Rosenshine researched what is effective teaching by analysing successful teaching and including the most recent research on cognitive development in learning. This codification, in 10 principles of instruction, provides the essential tools to successful teaching and learning.
Quality First Teaching
Inclusion in the classroom is essential. QFT presents the essential elements of facilitating inclusion. In order to ensure pupils from across the learning spectrum can access the learning and feel appropriately challenged, all teachers must accept the responsibility of their learners in their class. Even if interventions at both ends of the learning spectrum are employed, all children are still the essential responsibility of the class or subject teacher.
The full version of the LMAT Code can be found here