Our Vision, Aims and Values
Vision, Aims and Values
Our aim at Lubavitch Primary Boys’ School is to provide a warm and nurturing environment that caters for the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being of our pupils.
We aim to:
- Provide a Torah-true education in an atmosphere of love, warmth and respect which enables pupils to develop and grow, realising their own special potential. The school is guided by our adherence to the teachings, educational ideas and policies of the Rebbe and aims to instill in the pupils Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidic values and ideals.
- Provide a curriculum which actively engages pupils, promotes independent learning skills and creativity, enabling them to achieve high academic standards
- Provide guidance and direction, thereby laying foundations for a meaningful and productive adult life
- Develop in pupils a sense of responsibility towards their community and the wider world
- Develop in pupils positive character traits including self-confidence and respect for others.
The children are provided with a rich and full curriculum. They start the day with davening (Prayers), followed by Kodesh (Jewish Studies) learning, which often compliments their understanding of the national curriculum. After lunch, the children continue with their learning of the national curriculum.
The school was originally part of the Lubavitch House Schools, which were founded in 1959. In July 2012, the school achieved Voluntary Aided (VA) status under the umbrella of Hackney Learning Trust.