Lubavitch Junior Boys School

Welcome - CEO

May I, on behalf of the staff, Trustees, Hanholo  and children of Lubavitch Primary School, extend to you a very warm welcome to the Lubavitch Primary Schools. We emulate and promote the ethos and traditions of the Chabad Lubavitch movement, following their deeply embedded customs and traditions whilst simultaneously preparing our children for life in Modern Britain and beyond..   

The website is intended to whet your appetite about the life and work of the school, a school which serves the interests of  every child whilst fostering their all-round development. This is done primarily through our rich Kodesh and secular curricula which are taught with an emphasis on each child’s progress and development. 

We take every opportunity to provide a holistic, joined-up education by, for example,from our vision, aim values: 

The children are provided with a rich and full curriculum. They start the day with davening (Prayers), followed by Kodesh (Jewish Studies)  learning, which often compliments their understanding of the national curriculum. After lunch, the children continue with their learning of the national curriculum. aspiring to high standards of literacy when writing in Kodesh and threading Jewish themes throughout the foundation subjects. 

  We provide a wide range of educational and social experiences and balanced learning opportunities for all children, to help them grow into independent and responsible adults whilst also preparing them for a life in which they will contribute to local, national and global communities. 

Housed in a modern purpose-built building in North London, replete with all facilities including a swimming pool, Lubavitch Primary School is an excellent choice for parents wishing to provide a Jewish education for their children that also meets all national requirements. 

We are committed to developing each child to reach his/her potential and we do this by profiling every child and ensuring we build on each child’s strengths..  You are welcome to visit us when the school is in session, in order to explore how we can provide the best education for your child.. 

I look forward to meeting you and taking you around the schools. 

Kind regards,

Mrs Judith Nemeth




Welcome - Head teacher


We are proud to have you at our portal! We trust that on our site you will gain a truly representative insight into the ambitions, achievements and vibrancy of Lubavitch Boys Primary School.

We are a constituent school of the Lubavitch Multi-Academy Trust and are firmly rooted in the ethos and tradition of Chabad Lubavitch - guided by the legacy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Our mission statement is to provide our talmidim with the highest Torah education whilst at the same time provide a high level chol education. At Lubavitch we see the chol as an extension and a necessary part of the avodas hakodesh necessary for our students to succeed as bnei Torah and yerei Shomayim in the wider world. To that end we offer a wide range of National Curriculum topics delivered to a high level within the time we have available. We also emphasise positive behaviour and refinement of character which are not merely prerequisites for successful learning, but qualities and achievements in their own right.

 Please browse and discover more about our fantastic school!

Rabbi Y.L. Kohn