Message from the MAT
Dear Parent
Following the consultation meeting for the Lubavitch MAT I thought it would be helpful to write to you.
For me, it is really important that the schools have good communication with parents and I know this is an area that the new Trustees will be looking to develop in the future.
Although the main purpose of the meeting was for you to hear about the Multi Academy Trust, how it will be managed and the impact it should have on the schools, what came across was that there are a number of issues that need to be addressed at the earliest opportunity in the best interests of the children. Your concerns have been noted and action will be taken. Priority will be given to keeping the children safe and happy in a positive learning environment. I have already had conversations to follow up on some of the issues raised.
A number of people have mentioned that the term dates do not reflect the needs of the community. I have met with Mrs Freeman, Mrs Kesselman and Mr Leach to discuss term dates. We are in the process of reviewing them and will give you feedback within the next couple of weeks.
I have always stressed to parents that if they have a concern they should raise it with the school as soon as possible. A day in the life of a child is a long time so please don’t wait. In the first instance liaise with the class teacher, Kodesh or Chol. If you still have a concern please speak to a senior leader or Head Teacher. You are welcome to contact me via the school offices or the following email address Although I am not in school every day due to my other commitments I will respond as soon as possible. Please leave contact details in any message or email and indicate how urgent it is that I get back to you. I am doing my best to be available to the schools on a Thursday during the day and in the evenings.
There is no doubt that there is going to be change and that can be unsettling. It can also be exciting and an opportunity. Change also takes time and the Trustees are prioritising what needs to be done in the short, medium and long-term. The schools are on a journey and I can assure you that everyone who is involved in the MAT is on that journey with you because they want the best for the children.
Mrs Cohen
Interim CEO
Lubavitch Shadow MAT