Science Week - 30/01/18 - 06/02/18
The week began with a "bang" literally as Mrs Ben -Ze'ev from "Adventures in Wonderland " launched the beginning of "Science Week" with assemblies in both Key stages with lots of hands-on experiments. Great excitement was had by all , as the boys were "wowed" by the rockets exploding in their school hall. They learnt all about how bubbles were formed when a gas is created and this was followed up by the boys making their own rockets in the playground. They also had an opportunity of using stomp rockets that went so high they landed on Darenth Road. Do you want to know what you get if you mix washing up liquid , hydrogen peroxide and yeast ? It is Elephant's Toothpaste. The look on the boys' faces was a picture as they watched the toothpaste grow and grow and grow. The Reception class made a lava lamp out of Coca-Cola, oil and Alka Seltzer tablets and learnt all about the density of different liquids. We were also lucky enough to make our very own volcanoes out of lemon juice and baking powder ,and then vinegar and baking powder. The eruptions certainly had the "WOW" factor as the boys watched in utter amazement. Mrs Ben-Ze’ev brought in some Einstein costumes and the boys dressed up in white lab coats, glasses and Einstein wig - this added so much to the atmosphere of our Science Week. Thank you to Mr Shelton, our Acting Assistant Head Teacher, for organising this highly successful week.